Industrial Innovation and Autonomous (I2A) Technological Systems; research projects (or undergraduate or postgraduate theses) for the academic year 2023-2024

Projects on Industrial Innovation and Autonomous Technological Systems (I2A)

  • I2A1 Autonomous vehicles behavioral development using LLM (Large Language Models) Active 
  • I2A2 Drive-by-wire system development for developing an autonomous/semi-autonomous electric vehicle
  • I2A3 Exoskeleton concept design for individuals with limited mobility; concept design
  • I2A4 Autonomous vehicle testbed development for the AutoKopeli challenge
  • I2A5 Autonomous shuttle service for the campus of the Technical University of Crete 
  • I2A6 Standing desk design and control for improved productivity and physical conditioning; concept design
  • I2A7 Semi-autonomous/autonomous trash collecting water vessel within a Geofenced Environment; concept design
  • I2A8 Semi-Autonomous/Autonomous litter collecting vehicle for beach usage; concept design Active
  • I2A9 Semi-Autonomous/Autonomous parking dolly; concept design
  • I2A10 Distributed environmental sensing station for prediction and monitoring, using machine learning and artificial intelligence

Projects on Vehicle Dynamics and Control (VDC)

  • VDC1 State estimation using machine learning (ML)
  • VDC2 Vehicle ride control in the era of ADAS and autonomous vehicles
  • VDC3 Over actuated chassis controls using optimization techniques and artificial intelligence

Projects with FStuc (Formula Student Technical University of Crete) team

  • FST1 Systems Engineering; From project goals to Validation and Verification for the 2024 FStuc vehicle Active
  • FST2 Electrical and electronic system upgrade for the 2024 FStuc vehicle Active
  • FST3 Single cylinder Internal combustion engine tuning subject to air induction limitations and transmission layout using optimization techniques
  • FST4 Systems Engineering; Functional requirements development and decomposition for the 2024 FStuc vehicle Active
  • FST5 Vehicle Dynamics Attributes Development for the 2024 FStuc vehicle Active
  • FST6 Front and rear suspension attribute development that meet the 2024 FStuc vehicle dynamics behavior Active

Projects with the TUCer (Technical University of Crete, Eco Marathon) team

  • TUCer1 Optimal speed management for minimization of energy consumption for the TUCer vehicle

Undergraduate/postgraduate theses on Industrial Innovation and Autonomous (I2A) Technological at PEM, TUC 2023-2024 v2